Monday, May 10, 2010

Miraculous Saints & Yogis a book by Dharam Vir Mangla

Miraculous Saints & Yogis
It explains scientifically the most miraculous saints & yogis of the world. How the scientists are intentionally ignoring the miracles performed by great saints, yogis and Avataras to create firm faith in God. Scientists have ignored the omnipotent powers of God, which man can achieve. Author has successfully explained the difference between the Magic & Miracles, which are generally misunderstood by the common man. The readers are exposed to so many sacred divine powers attained by the yogis through yogic practices. Book is successful in creating a devotional love for God. It is useful for both believers & non-believers.

ISBN # 81-88043-07-9, PB: Rs.150 in India – US $ 15 outside

Postage: Rs 30 in India US$ 8 outside India

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