Sunday, November 29, 2009

Know God thru Questioning by Dharam Vir Mangla

About the book
Know God thru Questioning

Spiritual knowledge is an outcome of our own inner frequent philosophical questioning about God, soul, Scriptures and mysterious universe around us. It removes our ignorance. The best epic Srimad Bhagwad Geeta is also an outcome of the answers bestowed by Lord Krishna to the various questions of his puzzled disciple Arjuna.

Author has designed many Spiritual-Tests in this book, in which various interesting inner spiritual questions are being raised, which haunt most of us in our life and no one is able to answer correctly. He has also categorized these questions into different chapters of Spiritual, Religious, Scientific, Scriptures, Dreams, Death & After-Death and Miscellaneous etc. The questions are logical, philosophical and interestingly raised in such a way that most of the readers are likely to confuse and answer, but their spiritual knowledge gradually increases manifolds. Author has also given the answers with logical explanation after the tests. These are based upon his whole-life research and inner revelation during deep meditation. When we deeply commune with God, the answers of our inner questions are revealed directly and no further doubt remains.
ISBN: 978-81-90678-45-2, Paper Back
Price: Rs 350/- in India, Outside India: US $ 25

Search for God & Self

About the book
Search for God & Self

This book helps us to understand our basic nature, identity and existence of our real self i.e. ego ‘I’. We all are haunted by the eternal question ‘Who am I’. We want to know who really we are. From where we have come in this world and where will we go after death? What really we are? Who created us? What does God want to achieve from us? What is our role in our life? We all are in search to know our own-self (soul) and the creator God. This book is an answer to our basic quest to remove our ignorance.

God has created us out of Himself thru His Maya. Maya has separated us from God and created ignorance to forget our identity. But we are the part & parcel of God. We have lost our real identity due to Maya. This book is a practical guide to remove the curtains of Maya, so that we can know our self and merge back into Brahman. Then only we can say that ‘I am Brahman’ or ‘So-ham’ or ‘Thou Art I am’.

The book provides the wider perception of God. God is not like a human being sitting alone on a thorn in the heaven. The whole universe is physical body of God on which He has a complete control. God is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and omni-watching too without any physical sense organ. You can also become That, if you wish.
ISBN: 978-81-90678-49-0 Paper back
Price: Rs 350/- in India US $ 25 outside India

World's Great Saints & Yogis by Dharam Vir Mangla

About this Book
World’s Great Saints & Yogis
The Holy-books & Hindu Puranas are full of miraculous saints, Avataras and yogis. Even at present there have been many saints and yogis whose miracles are beyond the comprehension of scientists. Scientists are intentionally ignoring their miracles due to their limited knowledge, as they are unable to explain the miracles performed by them.

This book is being written with the aim to expose and enlighten the readers about various miraculous saints & yogis in the past & present and to create an unshakable faith & devotion in Almighty God. The book has clarified the confusion about the spiritual terms used as Saint, Guru, Teacher, Instructor, Avatara of God, Dharma & Religions, Scriptures, Shastras, Literature and Holy books.

The book also clarifies the difference between magic & miracles. The explanation of miracles is beyond ordinary science, but it is within the higher spiritual science, which the saints & yogis know.

This book was inspired to write by the miraculous saints Sri Amar Jyoti Babaji at Palampur. All of my family members have his frequent company & blessings.
ISBN: 978-81-89901-37-0 Cloth-Hard-Bound

Price Rs 550 in India US$ 40 Outside India

Art of Yoga: Harbs for Health by Dharam Vir Mangla

About the book
Art of Yoga: Herbs for Health

This book is useful to those who want to maintain their health free from diseases, stress & strain while sitting comfortably in their homes without spending money on doctor’s consultation & costly Jim-centers. This book also stresses that a disease free health is not enough; we also need a peaceful life with bliss & Ananda. This book further clarifies the real meaning of Yoga i.e. communing of your soul with God and not simply practicing few asanas, pranayama and exercises.

Although, there is advancement in allopathic treatment, still most of the allopathic medicines have some harmful side effects. Mostly Allopathic medicines controls the symptoms of diseases, but unable to cure diseases. The book reveals about the various natural herbs & spices, useful to cure various diseases without any harmful effect. Herbs, Naturopathy and Ayurveda are the gifts from God for the holistic health of humans and may cure the diseases. The poor can afford the same. Common herbs & spices may be safely used without consulting a doctor.

ISBN: 978-81-90678-46-9, Paper back

Price : Rs 400/- in India Outside India: US $ 30

Buddhism vs Hinduism

About the book
‘Buddhism vs Hinduism’
This book informs us about the basic essence of Buddhism in comparison to Hinduism. It is essential to start with the first chapter to understand the correct meaning of the basic spiritual terms used in this book. In most of the books spiritual terms may have been used differently.

Many people think and propagate that all religions basically teach the same, and have same objectives, but may have different paths. But in fact, there are basic philosophical contradictions. Unless we understand these differences properly and try to remove them, the unity of all the religions may not be achieved. The aim of this book is understand the essence of Buddhism and its differences with Hinduism, if any. Why and how it spread in most of the countries? Why and how in India Buddhists adopt to Hinduism later?

Basically Buddhism evolved from Hindu Dharma as Buddha was a Hindu. But he discarded God, soul, Scriptures and Brahmanism. More or less it was a contrast to Hinduism. Buddha has been controversial and misunderstood by many. Many people think that Buddha was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and his enlightenment was ‘Self-realization or God-realization’. But this does not seem to be correct. Is it not ridiculous to call some one as an Avatara of God, if he doesn’t believe in God? The book clarifies the difference between ‘Moksha & Nirvana’ and ‘Buddhist and Hindus meditations’, which in fact differ in many respects.

Author has also compared two more religions Jainism & Islam with Buddhism and Hinduism. But the comparison has been limited only up to philosophical level and not about traditional differences. Author has due respect to all the religions.

ISBN: 978-8189901-61-5 Cloth-Hard-Bound
Price in India: Rs 800/- Outside India: US $ 45

Twelve New Spiritual Books by Dharam Vir Mangla

About the book
Path of Science & Spirituality
(Theory of Self Realization)

The book Path of Science & Spirituality (Theory of Self Realization) is an attempt to synthesis both our spiritual & scientific knowledge. Although, God is one and Truth is one, but there are many different religious paths, philosophies, Shastras, Holy-books and literatures. More over, our latest scientific discoveries & knowledge doesn’t seem to be in agreement with Spirituality. Our mind is puzzled and doesn’t accept contradictions. But God is an absolute truth and doesn’t create contradictions. The contradictions are due to Maya and our limited scientific knowledge, which is at childish stage. This book explains how the sciences & spiritualism are leading to the same ultimate truth. It is an attempt to remove the confusions between Science & Spirituality. One can be both scientific & spiritual after reading this book.

The book explains how the latest cosmological discoveries have changed our scientific view of universe. Strangely, it tallies with the Vedas. This book explains both the spiritual and scientific view of universe separately. It concludes that universe is not different from God & is the physical body of God under his full control. We are not different from God only Maya has separated us. It further explains how the separation can be removed.

ISBN: 978-93-80525-00-6 Cloth-Hard-Bound
Price India: Rs 900/- Outside India: US $ 55

You will love to read the following twelve advanced level spiritual books by Dharan Vir Mangla

List of twelve new spiritual books by Dharam Vir Mangla

1. God & Self-Realization (A Scientific & Spiritual View)
2. Kundalini & Kriya Yoga
3. Secrets of Yoga, God & Universe
4. Yoga for Health & Bliss
5. The Eternal Question ‘Who Am I’
6. Miraculous Saints & Yogis
7. Path of Science & Spirituality (Theory of Self Realization)
8. Art of Yoga: Herbs for Health
9. Know God thru Questioning
10. Buddhism vs Hinduism
11. World’s Great Saints & Yogis
12. Search for God & Self