Monday, July 7, 2008

God & Self-Realization (Scientific & Spiritual View) by Dharam Vir Mangla a rare spiritual book

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why do you doubt on God

Why do you doubt on God
by Dharam Vir Mangla

Nobody has ever seen the atoms, molecules and other fundamental particles like electron, proton, neutron, photon or quark etc? Not even by scientists with the help of most powerful microscopes. This is only our assumption that these exist. Accoring to some scientists, probably we will never be able to see these infinitesimal fundamental particles in future also?

Scientists have only some evidences, information and a little glimpse about the existence of the atoms, molecules and other fundamental particles. Since billions of years from the beginning of universe these were in existence along with billions of galaxies and stars, but scientists have come to know about them only recently.
Even today we don't know their actual shapes, color, actual size and the material inside them. We have thousands of un-unswerable questions about them. Scientists have failed to create even a single particle out of nothing. We don't know who created these particles? What was His aim? Who created the Mathematical laws, which govern the matter and non-matter throughout the universe. Is it not strange that all these particles are exactly alike throughout the vast universe?

It is more strange that nobody doubt on their existence and raise any question. But so many doubt on the existence of God. While no scientific theory can be explained fully, without acceptance of existence of God. None has ever proved that God does not exist, but billions have witnessed the existence of God in the past. Existence of prehistoric Scriptures is the greatest evidence of existence of God. The non-existence of proof of existence of anything is not a proof of its non-existence.

Most of the scientists believe in God, but they are not comming forward to accept openly the existence of God by the sciences.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Deep Sleep State of Mind
by Dhram Vir Mangla

Everybody has enjoyed the deep sleep (sushupti) in his life, which is most joyful, peaceful and pleasing. It is free from dreams. We are lost in uninterrupted sleep. We will not be conscious of our body-limbs, experiences of sense organs like sound, smell, touch, taste and forms. We lost all our past memories, future planning and the present existence. We have none to love and none to hate; no friend and no enemy; no profit and no loss; no fear from anybody; and we lost all our worldly knowledge gathered in our life. There is no experiencer and no experience. Only your soul (Jivatman) is left, which is just a witness of Truth, Being, and Ananda. Still your Jivatman is invisible to your eyes. But this is not the void or the vacuum but closure to Brahman.

During the deep sleep state you are very near to God and your own real self. As you can never define or understood the Brahman by the positive human traits, similarly your deep sleep state can never be defined by the positive traits (Guna). It can only be understood by the negative traits or negation of all the traits (Nirguna).

It is a wonderful state of bliss and joy. We want to remain in this state forever. What a wonderful blissful state it is? It can be defined only as the void of all the traits. Whenever you experience a deep sleep state you generally report that there was no place or space or time or anything during the deep sleep state. But you can never report that there was nothing during deep sleeps state, unless you were present in that nothing to report the fact that there was nothing.

During your deep sleep state:-

There is no time or flow of time
There is no place and there is no space
There is no universe or any world around you
There are no pleasures to enjoy or no sorrows to suffer
There are no conflicts, no tensions, and no worries
There is none other to talk or to deal with
There is no need to think and disturb the mind
There is no need to remember and to forget anything
There are no emotions; neither you weep nor laugh nor cry
There is neither thirst nor hunger of body
There is no need for wealth, property or anything to survive
There is no need to earn, to create any bank balance
You are all alone and none else to disturb
You have not to remember or forget anything
You need not to do any work nor need any rest
You need not any vehicle to go anywhere
You need no communication, as there is none else
You need not to read or to pass any examination
You need not possess physical body to interact with others
You want to remain in this state forever
Our Ego ‘I’ is also dissolved into nothing in this state
There are no worries, no dukkha and no tensions
There are no horrible dreams or nightmares
There is no profit and no loss
There is neither life nor the death nor the rebirth
There are no Kama (sex), no Krodha (anger), no Mad (pride), no Lobh (greediness) and no Moha (attachment)
Neither have you a friend nor enemy nor spouse nor children nor the parents.

God the Brahman in His absolute state is just like above as said in the Vedas.

No doubt, during deep sleep state you are near to God, still you have to do lot of efforts to become one with God and to know yourself. You still have limited knowledge. You are still neither omnipresent nor omnipotent nor omniscient and nor omniwatching the whole creation nor in the absolute state of Sat-Chit-Ananda. You are still under the clutches of Maya (ignorance).

Deep sleep is one of the sleeping states of your consciousness. It is very similar to the meditation state. The only difference is during meditation you are awakened but not during deep sleep state. If you can go to this state of consciousness, while you are awakened without any sleep, it is called deep meditation or Samadhi. Samadhi is the entrance gate of the kingdom of God. God is trying His best daily to give us the experience of deep sleep to convince all of us that the universe around us is His Maya and not the absolute reality. The earliest you are convinced or realize this fact, the earliest you will achieve Self-Realization or Moksha or Liberation or Nirvana otherwise there is no escape from the clutches of Maya around us irrespective of all the religions.